We Were Having Breakfast


I expect to be misinterpreted 65% of the time. And in my current expression of the wealth of control issues in my possession, I try real hard to prevent misunderstandings. I’m not great (getting better) but not great in person, spontaneously giving out meaningful speech that lands to the widest breadth of people, yet. Thus, I format my pieces as though I am speaking. These breaks and pauses are my own intonations and points of emphasis. I am not yet controlling enough to format a key to really get into those deets (it’s currently in draft).

Okay, real disclaimers:

*From MY life. My perspective. MY interpretation of my own history, I’ve written this to reach people with a background moderately similar to mine.

*I have no rituals, no religion, not much in the way of family. At least not in the way that I stubbornly defined it and then decided the universe was trying to tell me that it just wasn’t something I was going to have this time around. Like, have you ever had to tell your family, “It’s not you, it’s me.”? I have.

*I assume I am not unique. Not in the general sense. Maybe in a wildly specific sense; however, generally, not unique. Thus, I can imagine that there are people alive in Gaza who have lived with similar thoughts – perhaps not organized along the same timeline as mine; nor mine organized along theirs. But, myself being human, more likely than not, someone in Gaza has lived with similar ambitions at times, fears at times, hopes and dreams at times, concerns or even cynicisms at times. The line between art and reality is quite thin here. Because, of course, OF COURSE, I couldn’t possibly have any remotely vague notion of what it means to be Palestinian in this world. And, the goal, as stated in Disclaimer #1 is to reach people with a background moderately similar to mine.

*White folks love a good treatise, because sometimes pictures don’t actually land as physically as words do. I don’t know why…it’s just true.

*I’ve never felt panic the way I have in viewing the footage coming out of Gaza. I wanted to attempt to walk through that panic, in an effort to convey some effort of empathy that my people still don’t seem to want to give to Palestinians.

– –

On Panic.

I haven’t felt panic like this. Though – I’ve tried to teach myself what that panic feels like. Because when it matters, I genuinely don’t want to fuck it up. And, technically, I might happen to be involved in some type of mass casualty scenario – I mean, I live in America. We just have to think about these things.

The problem is, I’m actually extremely boring.

– and I’m okay with that.

But, for some reason, protecting people is enough motivation for me to try out things that strike this internal panic button. I think, some (a portion of?) people experience that kind of panic in romantic relationships. Others in very different ways. What I’m doing is attempting to zoom into my own experiences with panic (as I think it could relate to people with my background more broadly in romantic relationships) to use my knowledge of what it feels like to panic and understand that panic: that physical experience is what someone in Gaza is experiencing in every single moment of their present life.

Thus, my experience with romantic relationships…I mean, panic.

In my experience, when I’ve thought I’ve made the wrong move,

I panic.

My hands,


toes, stomach, knees,

get clammy.


Yet, I am somehow light as a feather and I’m floating

But floating in a way that I’m not quite sure I’m standing.

I know I need to take a step,

and I’m not sure my foot is going to be there when I get up the nerve to try.

In moments of panic, I wonder how I could be so naive to not have expected this. Now that I cannot picture how my life will look if the worst thing in that moment is true, I will be caught off guard.

Even if it’s for a split second, I know, in every fiber of my being that


I never expected

or prepared for

or something I feared more deeply than any other thing in my life




It’s already done.

The play by play of the sensation of the body physically clocking,

then expressing, the reality that I might only have seconds. To do exactly what, I have no clue. But some form of movement must happen.

If not just for me, for someone I love.

Someone I chose to bring into this world. Or someone who depends on me.

The body really only has seconds to recover.

To choose.

To decide.


This is why adrenaline comes so quickly and slows so intensely during something as unique to experience as

a bomb in Gaza.

That is what I feel when I think of Gaza.

When I see those screams.

I have felt those screams.

But I have never expressed those screams.

I’ve never needed to.

Consider a Gazan history:

I’ve made it to 37 and things are okay. So, I think, “hey, maybe I could have a family, start that business. Maybe I am lucky enough to really see what life has to offer. If the home I’ve been in since I was born is still standing, maybe Israel isn’t quite that interested in the neighborhood I live in and they’ll just bomb the usual stuff, not us. As long as my family makes it. I could really do this and it could be worth it, not just to me, but there would be lineage. I could belong to something with roots.

Even in ALL the past bombs.

All the history of Israel squeezing

and squeezing

and squeezing,

I made it.

And then the worst happens.

I was having breakfast.

Oh god.

We were having breakfast.

The sting of tears shock the eyes like those vessels really are lightning bolts and it physically hurts until the flood washes away the pain.

I didn’t know today was going to be a day to expect a bomb.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

I didn’t know it was going to be today.

I heard someone tell that story once, but I didn’t know that it was going to be me today.

I thought there were millions of us.

Why is it me? Why today? Why this area? This neighborhood? Why today? Why these people? Why us? Why this one bomb?

I didn’t know it was going to be today.

I can feel the dust on my face. It mixes with the blood in my mouth. I thought I just took a sip of juice. I feel strips of pain all over my body, and somehow – are my toes moving?

Then I remember

I was having breakfast.

Oh god.

We were having breakfast.

And, it’s bright. Why is the sun so bright? We were having breakfast. Something is heavy on my arm. We were having breakfast.

What can I do?

I shout. At least I thought I just did. Am I shouting?

My own thoughts are so loud. I decide shout again. Then I remind myself that I’ve just told myself I’m going to shout again

and strain what I think are my own ears and my own brain

to remember the sound of my own voice.

Okay. I think that is me.

Who else was there?

Are my own thoughts so loud that I cannot remember who was sitting next to me at the table.

They were right there.

We were having breakfast.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Even if I found myself in this scenario. I don’t know that I could put one singular foot forward. I don’t know how we can let this continue. I don’t know what to do. I just know that every single photo I see sparks a deep, deep degree of panic.

I don’t want to be part of your world, Eric.

Isn’t Eric just fancy ‘Chad’?

Here’s the thing. Apparently because my hair is dyed red, I needed to write a treatise on The Little Mermaid.

In the real story, Ariel becomes sea foam and eternally looks after Eric/the world – from a distance. I use “the world” to point out a deeper meaning. What I mean by deeper, is – when I think about it too much and give far too great an emphasis on the details of the story and the degrees of potential meanings which that story can bear: Eric isn’t Eric. And the story is just like all the stories that have ever been told.

This is why I make light of the character Eric. To me, it means nothing or is simply a placeholder. It doesn’t actually represent a human person. Rather, it is a concept which is personified to hold or contain the love which flows toward it. Ariel’s love. That love is an innocent exploration of possibility and the idea that so much more exists that would be a terrible privilege to miss out on. It is not a person who can contain that kind of love. Because humans will always hurt one another, and when we direct that love exclusively to one sole human, we inevitably disappoint ourselves and lose out on what more is possible.

To me, Ariel’s love of the human world, found in artifacts is how I’ve always loved hearing about ancient cultures. It’s an attempt grasp and truly comprehend the depths of what it means to be human, in all of its history. We, alive and moving today, have an incredible connected capacity to see things as they have always been, and make a different choice.

In the case of Ariel (and how I have applied these meanings to the my life), this is how I thought I was supposed to love the world. To die, become sea foam and look after it eternally, from a distance. Perhaps that is me leaning too much into my Gemini, 4th house Sun.

Now. In describing just how much I don’t want to be part of your world, Eric.

I learned how to breathe under water – obviously I mean that metaphorically. I love everything about life under the sea. Triton can be a dick sometimes, and he’s my dad. I have no interest in learning how to walk on land filled with blood. There is still so much of the sea to explore. So much we don’t know. Much like trying to get to Mars when we only know a thimbleful of what the our moon truly holds.

To me, the ocean is not a flat surface, but a reflection of the visible lands’ topography under that surface, or veil, if you will. Truly, when it comes to the plane of the abstract, spiritual, etc. it’s all been right there from the start.

For me, Eric is equal to Empire. And I want nothing to do with it. All we seem capable of these days are remakes of stories we’ve been telling for centuries. It’s wild that we’ve become so obsessed with ancient cultures when all we’re doing is repeating the same realities. The same slaveries, the same consumerism, the same imperialism. All we’re doing is building walls so that, on those walls, we can paint and tell stories about all the shit we’ve accumulated. That’s your idea of empire, Eric. You want to tell future generations about all the shit you’ve accumulated. That’s it. You’re going to build huge store houses, bunkers underneath the ground you’ve ruined and paint pictures on the walls to detail all the material bullshit you have.

Imagine if Ariel and Eric had gotten together. Do you really think she could have been held down by traditionalist, rigid ideas of what a wife, or queen was supposed to be when an entire ocean couldn’t even hold her? No. I’m sorry. In the real story, she made the right choice because she wouldn’t have been any more free on land that she was under her own father’s rules.

Y’all men aren’t even leaving war for just the ground – you’re fucking up the sea as well. That’s why the planet is heating up. Y’all have already ruined it for the future and we will be living our worst apocalyptic nightmares – because we already are. We’re not running out of time, we are already out of it.

So, no, Eric. I don’t want to be part of your world. I want the world to see its majesty which lies inherent in each and every one of us humans. I will not give up on you. Please don’t give up on us.

I see, I think…the village isn’t safe

In this piece, I am speaking of an experience in Lithuania, a country that was once occupied. It is a reflection caught in a moment in time. It has both a specific and immediate context and an aged: elongated, over the course of my human experience context.

I don’t really trust the world around me. But I trust humans. Not all of them. I’m not that ridiculous. I trust that the written word is powerful and it is still a good way to approach people who are generally open-minded. I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and here’s how I’m processing it.

Don’t force yourself to read it until you’re ready. And know…you’ll never be ready.

In 2008, I visited a former KGB “holding site” in Lithuania. It’s been turned into a museum.

Walking in, translucent photos of detainees who’d been killed in this building lined the steps which came – what can only be called affrontingly – up.
A strange layout for a museum, to be sure. 

But that wasn’t what the museum once was. It was a strategically held building in the center of the Capital city. I don’t know what Vilnius looked like then, during the occupation. I just know the mind of an occupier.

Occupiers had to have buildings with defense strategies in mind.

That’s why grey stone steps lead UP when you first enter this building. 

Most people who are brave (or stupid) enough to try and stop an occupying force will expect to walk into a building which has a flat layout. Keeping occupier and occupied on equal ground. But occupiers want every patriot to feel smaller than, inferior. It’s why language, indeed, layout matters. 

It’s why power builds buildings. It’s why an occupier will always think that they have broken their enemies’ spirits. You can feel that reality when you walk into this building.

I am always the person who thinks too much. Why was it these people who had to die? In the order they died? Why was it someone’s turn to be the last one executed in the silence of a cave? They walked up these stairs. Did they know what was ahead of them?

Why is it that we bury our shame? As in the basement of a building. A building in the center of a Capitol city.

What did this building mean before it was occupied? Was it City Hall? A place where people filed for marriage licenses? Paid child support? I did that…I mean. I took my father’s child support checks to the office where child support checks were required to be delivered every month. His legs weren’t great. So, if we were in a hurry, he sent us. My brother and I. Those stairs went up too. Everything was normal then.

In this KGB building, where the stairs went up and normal office-y things happened day in and day out, people died in the basement. And it was quiet.

Everything seems balanced upon first gaze. Grand, even. When you first walk in/up…then things get small. You walk to the right, at the top of the stairs, through a couple of basic-stained wooden doors. I mean, you wouldn’t make any assumptions about them…good, bad, ugly. You just wouldn’t know how dark it’s about to get.

You don’t know how cold cold can be until you see a layout designed to break a human spirit.

It’s the boring paint. Like why spend money on design when you know its merely the most hardened soldiers who will be walking back up this stairwell?

Again: strategic. A single person – wide cinder block stairwell leading down.

A few small torture chambers. Or is it small rooms where torture happens? I remember 3, I can only talk about 2.

The first room would likely be called “living quarters.”

    Four dormitory bunk beds are jammed as tight as can be considered…humane. I imagine an officer saying something completely inane to me as I am walked in, “Welcome to our humble abode.” What would it be like to wear your last pair of underwear? For me, I likely wouldn’t be given any. So I’m imagining wearing straight wool over my naked body. It’s itchy. Hot in the places it touches yet leaving a barren wasteland of air touching the uncovered skin.

    The second room has a texture I can only describe as ground shaped by clay, it’s not cement.

    Though what I’m about to describe will have clear, rough and painful edges, I need you to imagine what I’m saying in the form of hand-shaped clay. 

    There are two pits divided directly down the middle. A mushroom-shaped pedestal stands in the very center of the center of the room. This division serving what I think is a terrifying purpose. Two ice baths in separate containers side by side will


    slower … remain colder longer?

    than if all the water was shared in just one pit with one pedestal in the center. Is that true? I never did understand the 6th grade science experiment with ice and water. Why are people “studying” how fast ice melts?

    It’s dark. We’re in the basement. There aren’t normal lights. Why bother?

    My tour guide tells me that the pedestal had that shape because the one standing on it would get so tired, having to use their toes to constantly grip all edges of the surface to stop from falling. As one’s legs grew tired, they would collapse into the ice baths. Becoming wet, cold, consistently unable to stand for long periods of time. Thus, falling more frequently into the water and slowly shivering into hypothermia.

    Now, imagine standing on that pedestal with loud, wild, raucous music playing constantly. 

    Could you imagine your body fading slowly into death? While people walked to the grocery store on the pavement somewhere above you? While someone driving a car honks at another driver whose done something they didn’t like?

    I think I can imagine all this existing in this moment.

    An observant person will always ask questions and put their body to the test. To its limits. Have you ever laid in snow for a little too long because you knew someone around you once experienced that? Died from hypothermia? And you wanted to be able to understand that?

    What if we only knew to write stories because our ancestors lived these stories in this world on a different timeline? What if? A mind can dream it. If it means it’s an ancestral memory? What if there really is nothing new underneath the sun? What if all the stories of writers are stories of our ancestors?

    Is that why writer must be divorced from the “art” of the written word? Art is only experienced as..a conduit? A snapshot? A moment in time? Why evil is divorced from the evil-doer? If humans really were their actions…

    What if the truth is that all of our storylines have rather horrible backgrounds…in word, deed, thought, expression, in humanness?

    This is why we need each other. Because if we are going to tell honest stories, we have to choose one another at every point. My time and attention is the greatest thing I can give. They are prayers to the collective unconscious to make this world better.

    Because it fucking sucks.

    And I’ll listen to all the stories –



    I don’t have that kind of time. Ha. I can’t be expected to please everyone.

    Again. That’s why we need each other.

    Humans are a LOT.

    Personally, I need people who can develop relationships with those I deem problematic. Because there are people that I won’t spend energy on. I’m genuinely good with people. But when I don’t like someone’s behavior…I really don’t like them. Their whole person.

    That’s why I have learned to give people the benefit of the doubt. That I am meeting up with – or intersecting – their storyline somewhere they cannot control just as I cannot control the moment in which they intersect with mine.

    I have patience with a wider variety of people because I don’t think that I truly know anyone.

    If I am selfish enough to think the world revolves around me so much that my entire world is a reflection of me…I must be some true, prime form of asshole. Because humans are a LOT. If I am a reflection of all of you, we are just a LOT.

    My level of pride. A LOT.

    My level of ignorance. A LOT.

    My level of need to control. A LOT.

    My compassion. A LOT.

    Does that also mean the same of joy? Of peace?

    Hold on. Before I get distracted…where am I?

    Yes. We’re in a room shaped with clay. And I have to think about something else because it’s painful to imagine standing on that pedestal in the center of this room, in a strategically held building, surrounded by the cold reality of my death.

    As I imagine that, I feel the weight of an observation booth tucked in the corner – someone is there witnessing this. Holding the button to the music. Taking notes on how often I fall. Whether I spend energy screaming into the void. My god – is the void taking notes?

    It is merely a humble observation booth…plexiglass or real glass? Somehow those details really don’t matter. Like whoever had to put in the request to order those materials to make these rooms a reality of someone’s eventual death…like he or she just didn’t want to put that much thought into that sort of detail.

    Take a moment to zoom out with me.

    All that was happening in the center of town, a Capitol city. In a building you knew did some shady shit. But you trusted your government, right? Certainly, there wouldn’t be – couldn’t be – deeply depraved things that happen in “third world” countries happening in your backyard?

    (And NIMBY people don’t want affordable housing in their neighborhoods?) Ha.

    But they’ll accept this?


    The development of compassion for another world – “so unlike mine” – allowed me to finally realize that people are people. Humans are human. If this horror is happening in a world unlike mine –

    THERE IS NO WORLD UNLIKE MINE! Repeat that as many times as it takes for your heart to tell you, “You heard me.”

    Whatever I have seen in ANY other country, in ANY other context has absolutely happened in my reality. 

    I know this to be true.

    People from a small town project (as in a projector) into and think the city is a “dangerous” place. Allow me the space to lay all the village bullshit at its feet. Do you have any idea of the shit that’s allowed to happen in small towns in the Midwest? They say NOTHING about everyday horrors that occur in their own backyards. Childhood molestation and physical abuse. Rampant hard drug use and alcoholism. Children walking innocently into the scenes of suicide. Terrorizing toxic masculinity that demands to be celebrated. Guns held to wives’ heads at the thought that they could choose another life. Parents – uncertain of why they had children in the first place – screaming at the children they chose to have. A normal they fought for. That they sign petitions to “protect”. A couple I wanted to be like – she’s now dead, murdered at the hands of the other – now in prison for a long time – because of a choice to be normal rather than sort out the bullshit going on in their own minds. But its these small towns that somehow have all the say in how our country is run because of our electoral college. Small town people are real practiced at saying nothing when it really matters.

    It is this underlying heartbeat of the village that makes me distrustful of the world the world around me in a giant city that was supposed to swallow my life whole and ensure I made merely a neutral mark on history. I didn’t develop fear because I live in a city. I’ve been in the city trying to heal the damage of the homogeneity of the village. 

    I was a child bystander – wrong place, wrong time – in this story:

    A man drives into my grandparent’s driveway. We’re in a trailer that my grandmother rented out for extra income. It is so empty inside because she had just moved out and needed to do a walk-through with my grandma? My brain is trying to answer questions I never thought to ask before. In his pickup I see his two sons, my dear friends (okay, being 100%, I had such a crush on one of them) in the cab. Every other time I saw that truck, it meant a good time…cute boys…what can I say?

    This time was different. We were shooed away from the windows and were told to be so quiet. This time, he’s coming to look for his ex girlfriend. If he had looked in the window, there we were. He came to the trailer door, pounding. My grandmother has a conversation with him. He drives away with two of his young, impressionable boys in the cab with him, a hunting rifle is mounted in the back window of his truck. It looks very similar to the way rifles are mounted in the back of police cars. This is what I remember when police are around me. And I was raised to trust them.

    The pride is no different if and when offense occurs.

    How did I learn not to cross a white man because of his gun? Is this why guns are still protected? Because we cannot cross white men with guns and live?

    In the village I was made aware that sex trafficking was a reality in many children’s and women’s lives before I ever learned of the joy of doggy style. 

    The fact that we’re so deeply concerned about the attrition of everywhere outside the states, to the point where we haven’t acknowledged the Burj Khalifa – sized log in our own eyes that is the prison industrial complex, its privatization, systemic racism and guns.

    So. If you wanna share your opinion about the world, maybe try chopping down that fucking log first. There are people being starved, used as entertainment, being studied, and killed in our prisons. They are statistics, the same way the transparent photos lined the ascending stairwell of a KGB museum in Vilnius. How many have to be enough before we say abso-fucking-lately not? Remember that next time you’re concerned about the ails of the world and what the fuck Russia is doing in Ukraine.

    While not acknowledging


    While not acknowledging the displacement of hundreds…


    even 10s of thousands?…

    Syrians, Afghanis, Iraqis?

    Without acknowledging the bravery of those who’ve sacrificed their lives “betraying” their countries for the idea and hope of mother fucking America? You think they’re excited to come to the states and realize

    the idea is a hoax?

    Could you ever move like that? Would you ever do any fucking thing like that – leave your context? Have you ever thought of what it’d be like to leave everything behind?

    But, like really?

    People leave the reality of their birth because that reality wasn’t – couldn’t be – the final story. But, surprise…



    all at once

    actually lives in 

    some similar 

    and some wildly opposing 


    all at once.

    Painting a different story about your life doesn’t protect you from reality. 

    Purchasing real estate in one zip code doesn’t buy you out of the zip code you were born into. The one that defined how you see the world.

    There is a zip code

    that defined, in the past, the way

    you currently,


    see the world.

    I think I’m finally understanding just how much I experienced. And I thought I wasn’t experiencing anything.

    I don’t know why this piece ends here. I just know that it does for now. Because if I keep working on it, I’ll never finish it. Never publish it. Never think its ready. And I don’t know what ready looks like.




    The strangest compliment I ever received was from Antonio, an Italian man I met in London in 2010. His English was not so strong, but I wanted to have a conversation with him, and so…I grabbed my computer and opened Google Translate. In the middle of our conversation that evening, what he wrote translated to: “You seem like a resourceful person. And if so, I respect you.” Yes. I know. I, too, had a hard time wrapping my mind around that one. And yet, who knew I’d be writing about that very compliment six years later (almost to the day).

    A seed:

    Regarding source. Everyone has a beginning: a source of existence. That from which we came into this world is infinite possibility. Through life, we learn how to limit ourselves, what our futures can look like, who our friends should be, the content of our goals and the potential reach of our dreams. We begin to believe that our present equals the sum total of our past. As a result, possibility becomes focused to a point, or seemingly singular option.

    Depending on our experience of the past landscape, or topography, the certainty of that idea can seem concrete. A city we live in, built from the material of reaction, choice, attraction, aversion, and what we’ve learned to delight in. What, then, is reality when we all perceive the street we live on so differently?

    I never knew I was normal until I started opening up about my own experience of this journey. I never realized how much power I had the entire time to create possibility both with and regardless of my own topography. I never knew how valuable my own resourcefulness was. I have come to define being resourceful as being so committed to the outcome that by whatever means necessary, the job gets done. More than likely, it doesn’t look “normal” on the way there. In this space, materials are not about the traditional definitions (or uses). Rather, they become a tool I can use in a way its never been used before to accomplish the goal.

    Our ideas DO NOT have strict and rigid execution plans. We attribute our ideas of what accomplishing a goal or task should look like and get very aggravated when it doesn’t look like its working out that way. How silly we are!

    So, RE:Source is a business plan that I have been writing and will finish this fall, via an Entrepreneurship class. I am excited and will be writing about it as I go. Everything breathed in this business concept has come from a place of that which is possible. RE:Source is an employee-ownership model of a coffee business. I have no idea where it will open or when. My goal is to create a business in which a person coming from a complex background could gain stability in a way that allows him/her to define life in his/her own terms. Because it is in moments of peace and stability that humanity expresses that unique ability to pose important questions: Who am I? Do I like what I have become? Is this what I thought it would feel like to be here?

    It is my own topography that I have come to love and embrace most wholly. And it was from this space of unconditional acceptance that I have been more and more able to choose the life I want instead of the default to which I had limited myself. It is this I hope to present to people coming from backgrounds that seem limiting. It has taken a great journey thus far for me to understand the power of choice regardless of surrounding circumstances. I always had the necessary resources in my own self to accomplish the things I want and goals I have. Through the art of business, I hope to provide a space of stability such that employee-owners exercise the power to weave their own topography into the history and future of who they are and know from a heartbeat of peaceful confidence that, as human beings, we are every resource we need.


    with respect…here it goes

    Disclaimer: From where I am right now. This is a letter to American Christianity. At some point, it becomes something else, but I think it’s all related.

    • – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    My Dearest,

    I should commend you. The effort you’ve made was naught but valiant. In your desire, your thirst to bleed and bomb into dust, you’ve told a story, spoken of heroism:

    a calling

    of the light:

    a tale as old as our timeline itself.

    Faith used to be the most precious thing I had. There are times I grieve my loss of faith with the strength I grieve my dead father. It’s been 27 since the latter and 13 since the former. Life was so much more simple when I had a faith, and even more so when I had my biological father.

    In some ways, I’ve always been afraid of the most ridiculous and simultaneously, paradoxically important, ideas and people at the most ridiculous and paradoxically, simultaneously important times in life. Losing my father put me in a timeline when I had to be afraid the most of the stories you tell yourself, what you believe about them, and how you believe that affects you, those ideas, and what you believe about them. Read that twice to make sure you get it. I wasn’t so high that such a sentence was not intentional. Intention is my breath.

    I want nothing more than to die anonymously, having lived a plain, simple, and average life. But sitting by and watching this slew of horror after horror is no longer an option. I don’t believe that one person can make a change alone. I hope to simply spark, keep the spark alive, or to stoke the fires that are already present and being built.

    I’m actually not easy to write-off. The truth is, I have more integrity and less patience than anyone else in my family. I’m not sure to what degree.

    I would give everything that made me who I am. Any semblance of respect my family had for me. Any relationship they would still be willing to entertain with me. And I’m afraid that writing this will be the thing that stops them from asking questions, and officially writes me off.

    A brief aside: I love hip hop. In my experience, rappers tell truths that philosophers haven’t put to words yet. So, I don’t care about white and western ways of philosophy, standards of intellect or rhetoric. You already prevented me from being part of that world. I care about reality.

    Daily, mundane, hard, ridiculous, petty, gorgeous life.

    So…when rapper, Lowkey says, “What you got inside hasn’t gotta die once, it can die a lot of times, that I promise my son.” From Behind My Painted Smile with Akala. It resonates with the frequency of my soul. I trust that resonance more than any story I’ve ever been told.

    You have killed the beauty inside me. What is left feels like a wasteland of despair. I understand Pandora’s box, because hope is the most devious of bitches. Sometimes I don’t know if we’re worth saving and yet, I feel so desperate to keep all of you alive. As part of our human record. But. Only when we’re all ready to give account at the same time can we become worth saving. I don’t want anyone to be eliminated – to become future people walking around with 2% “native” or indigenous blood in their bodies – unless all humans are 2% perfectly of each other and all of you make up my whole self. I can handle that – but I can’t handle this life without everyone who’s currently unique in it.

    Each person in this world reflects a potential that might never be seen and even if that’s the most average or humble life, it matters.

    It is only a dictator who wouldn’t allow themselves to be held accountable. It seems we’re led by a world filled with dictators. That is the lineage of the linguist. You keep finding more out about yourself by contemplating otherness, instead of trying to be and exist in sameness. Why must you grasp so hard at the straw of uniqueness?

    • – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    We might theoretically speak the same language, but I think we’re on the opposites sides of our most basic assumptions. I know who I am because of all the best and worst things about me I protected. I know they’re the worst because I feel so different from the people I grew up around – most of them. The best parts about me have led me away from my family, which might be the worst way to live, according to some. However, they are my best, because I can look myself in the mirror. Colonizer reflecting back, and accept myself. But, I’ve been living my life.

    You’ve been living yours.

    No one ever thought we would collide.

    Honestly, we never should have.

    This world filled with people who I love, adore and feel so much for, are the exact people who would have to know exactly who I was, forgive and choose me to continue being in their lives.

    No one with my background could possibly hope to be chosen back.

    The people I respect most in this world, are the people mine have ignored for thousands of years.

    If this post is TLDR: here’s the tagline: I don’t give one rat’s ass about your fucking canal or the resource game you never stopped playing in college.

    Not one single person who considers themselves humans in this world – watching you fuck around with our lives – cares about how long you got to jerk off to the world. No. One. Cares. From this point forward, we will only make long-lasting stories about people who stand up for humans before profit, business, or accumulation of resources and not for the sake of protecting government or political structural power. My metaphorical pen will only penetrate the digital walls of history with stories of people who remained connected amongst the worst tragedies humans have ever had to go through.

    The only reason you even started recording history is so you could start accumulating. A record to keep track of what was “owned” and literally shove it in everyone else’s face. You get to keep doing this because everyone has to eat.

    This is why I cannot choose any individual lineage of faith.

    Until humans are actually treating each other better, there is no god who could possibly be telling the greatest truth.

    You killed this in me. And you keep killing it.

    Yet you resent me, my words, for the wound you caused.

    The more I questioned, the deeper your lies became.

    Now I know I was wrong. You have actually consistently lied since the beginning. Since the inception. I no longer know whether you were unconsciously lying or actively, consciously (aware-fully?) lying. I’m not sure if that matters anymore. How conscious can you be when you’re doing everything you can to survive? Your survival was a story – an idea that held the weight of breath in lungs – not a human with actual lungs trying to remain alive entwined in crumpled bricks.

    It wasn’t just a religion that lied to me. Told me … ” my vague intuitions “… were the truth. That heaven existed. That god – an all-powerful being was real. Only one power, though, right? There can only be one god – or did you mean one ruler?

    If “as above, so below” is true, I think, perhaps god doesn’t look like one image.

    It couldn’t be possible. It must be all of us. And Palestinians are not strangers to me. Neither are Jewish people. You bleed my blood. You read my stories, as I read yours. You cry my same salty tears and dream of living a life like mine in what I think are the strangest ways. Just as I dream of knowing faith and love the way you do. This has become a complete divorce of faith with the religion with the people with the concept of nation.

    You should never have sought to divide us in order to conquer. Because history has always taught us that opposites attract and whilst I have no idea or inkling of what it means to be Palestinian or Jewish, their air is my air. Their lungs, mine. The vacuums created by the bombs you send have been choking me. And if you keep choking me, you only prove that you can kill yourself.

    Because your hands are my hands, too. And I know the pain of having to realize that we sat the fuck back and watched people die all those years ago. In so many levels, I can see that. I cannot imagine having that kind of blood on my hands. But, because you did it, I did it too. There is a war in myself because I detest what my people have done and what you do to another people group so equally and self-righteously. And can’t you see that in each case,

    there was a book:

    a simple story

    that made you think this was okay?

    Your books means nothing to me. They are but neutral human accounts, and that is the only way I can come to see it. Books of faith which breed such blood-lust can bear no power. No magic.

    If your ground was sacred, you have spilled too much innocent blood. To me, the land has been defiled, and can no longer be considered holy.

    This is what the image of god has created in this world. Destruction and desolation.

    How dare you say you speak for god.

    When the real truth is – we don’t know.

    Not actually.

    Not in reality.

    As in terms of matter being tangible to the senses.

    Able to be experienced.

    They are thin lines that separate us. You are me and I am you. We are nothing and everything together.

    Please, have a belief, something that tethers you and keeps you connected in and to this world. How could I EVER critique that, knowing every gift it gave me?

    I have come to a point where I believe I no longer need faith to remain. I would choose being here, present, alive, here in this physical form regardless of whatever creation or afterlife story was given to me. Even though I’ve been so disappointed by humans in ways that I actually didn’t have the capacity to imagine as a child.

    In my particular perspective of privilege, I have been brought, numerous times to the question, are humans worth saving? Yet, I don’t want to give up my life (in terms of actual breath), because I’m still curious as to whether things could get better. I fully believe they won’t. Truly. How could they? Every ounce of “progress” we made was a story that “winners” of history told us they did for us – and every time. Every. Single. Mother-fucking. Time. It was at the cost of massive groups of people who were deeply harmed.

    Let me be clear. I don’t want to live in one “winner’s” version of progress and history – or a group of them. I do not consider the advent of “billionaires” progress. I put billionaires in “” because the basis of your definition is the collective agreement of valuation of gold. Weird. That wasn’t even the main thing years ago.

    My gold is people. That’s my center. Life. Self-determination.

    Billionaires, if I’m honest, have made my life a living hell. I’m so fucking aware of what’s happening in so many inches of the globe, at the same time I’m aware of almost every inch of my body, at the same time I’m aware of every inch of my mind, at the same time I’m aware of almost every inch of my life, where I’m succeeding, where I’m failing, where I’ve been stuck, and where I’ve made progress beyond many other forms of life.

    I have these things because I am the epitome of self-determination, in the greatest degree that I can acknowledge that I am self-aware, people aware, emotionally, socially, logically aware, and also simultaneously and in equal-proportion and oppositely aware of all the things I don’t know, and don’t know that I don’t know…and to be very honest, even a few more degrees away from that.

    The fact of the primary narrative continuing to revert back to simple, yet false dichotomies, making this narrative in which I exist one about an all or nothing choice between people groups. It’s not part of the problem. It’s the whole load of problem. This narrative has been seeded for thousands of years. Empires are filled with dictatorial vampires.

    I do not know how to read god into fiction.

    White European colonists took the language of chosen from the Jewish story. They also claimed to have a connection to god no other people had known. Whiteness became a dominant identity. Paired with the murder of enough people, white Europeans then defined “history”, “life”, “success”, “pain”, “fear”, “fair”, “just”, “intellect” – all manner of concepts that guide how we think about how we think. Read that again.

    Once white Europeans accumulated so many of the world’s resources, then also defined and simultaneously assigned value. It was only through force that the story was told, retold, upheld, feared, and then – get this – “respected”. This is America.

    Which is just like England

    Which is just like the Catholic church

    Which was just like Rome

    Which was just like Greece.

    But Greece didn’t have to deal with story of Jesus – they had Socrates – and they STILL created a story of one sacrificing self – for the good of government.

    There were actually two problematic narratives at the turn of the common era. A “chosen” people, and a “chosen” empire. There was no god who chose a moment in time 2000 years ago to make a story, THE main story that would define generations to come. Empire did that.

    Only those empires combined. They appropriated the religious story of the time, and Christianity and government became one and the same.

    As a matter of fact, Christians have had so much time in power that they have imagined thousands – and I mean, thousands of unique subsets of denominations which believe they are more chosen than others who profess even their same branch of the same faith.

    To any “powers” that be: your progress is neutral – you’ve actually not helped the world. You’ve only built an empire that is more complicated to dismantle. But, we will succeed.

    Furthermore, when any individual power attempts to delete a people group from history – that’s where we draw the line.

    If possession is 9/10 of the law, then Palestinians had been in possession of the land, most genuinely, and most recently. It does not matter what type of colonial interest was involved in “giving” the land away. It had no indigenous right to do so. By human law, we must revert to the most recent holder of title – before colonial interest or story swooped in.

    • – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    When I was young, I used extreme language because I experienced emotions the way people feel when they hear of horrible things happening. I don’t understand violence and have felt rather terrible of myself for having been angry in the ways I was. I have gotten very angry at at least one – two people and I feel horrified by it to this day. I don’t think I could survive a fight where I was willing to pull a deep punch with someone I loved and felt safest with in my life, verbally.

    I cannot imagine the horror of taking another’s life.

    And yet, I understand how some can hear of death and killings and not be affected by it. They’ve not experienced it, and in fact, knew such little about life, that they thought those headlines were hyperbole. Unfortunately, white people are getting there real slow, in a time when time matters. See, 4 months from now, the headlines will say, “6 months ago, a war started between Israel and Palestine.”

    Only, Israel will have laid all Palestinians to waste, simply for being exactly who they are. We may only know of Palestinian Reservations in the future, the way America did.

    We can actually prevent human history from going this way.

    The thing is, it’s not about Palestinians.

    It’s not even about the land – most of humanity doesn’t care about the land.

    We own none of it anyways.

    Most cannot even hope to own land. And even when we do, immanent domain will take it away in a moment’s notice.

    It’s about the fact that you don’t just get to do this.

    Every tribe. Every region. Every religion.

    This land connects the world to itself – the heart of our world is African and Arab and Indian and Asian land. Why on EARTH would what white Europeans want matter?

    The only reason white Europeans have a say is because they originally committed the most savage acts in history. They killed the most, the most relentlessly, the most thoroughly…

    • – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Imagine what it’s like to be Palestinian.

    Or South African.

    Or Congolese.

    Or Sudanese.

    Or Japanese.

    Or Uyghur.

    Or Nicaraguan.

    Or Mexican.

    Or Guatemalan.

    Or Salvadorian.

    Or Venuzuelan.

    Or Brazilian.

    Or Black.

    Or American and Black.

    Or British and Black.

    Or British and Palestinian.

    We’ve accepted this for so long.

    Fuck, the only reason Australia exists is because America demanded freedom from Empire and then proceeded to play dictator more deviously than any other empire prior.

    One could analyze the meaning of every capital letter in this treatise, essay, blog post, memorandum…whatever label you choose to give at the end of this experiment.

    And you’d be right

    and looking way too deeply

    and giving me both enough

    and not enough credit.

    And you’d be wrong

    and right on point

    and talking yourself in circles.

    The very aspect of my being white and posing questions like this to myself is the exact expression of the privilege and perfect self-determination I have been able to experience in this lifetime. And that freedom that I have received, to be sheltered and taken care of in my youth has been at quite a cost to almost every other human sharing this world with me.

    I hope you find the right meaning for you in this lifetime. I wanted to understand the massive expanse of the universe, and it’s turned out that I had to find it in myself first. I didn’t know questions like this were possible. That thoughts like this were possible. And – for me – that makes life worth living. Fuck. I guarantee, if you believe hard enough, love hard enough, give up hard enough, demand hard enough, accept hard enough, the vast expanse of questions you could ask yourself enough…and you can make it through the pain of ALL of that, you will always find your reason for living.

    When you encounter me, you will always get the honest response of the realities I’m questioning in that moment. I cannot promise consistency in that; yet, I am trying. There are times when you won’t receive this from me because, in that moment, I’m trying to save every ounce of energy for the patience of tedium.

    I think with the amount of people I am attracted to, I could and would have wreaked a lot of havoc.

    Have you ever locked eyes with someone and knew, in an instant, that they would change your life? And at every point in time you wanted to lean close, and step back. and touch your nose and say, “not it.”

    Life. At EVERY point is worth living. It is worth fighting for the freedom and self-determination of everyone around to the extent that one’s own self-determination does not impede – by way of violently ripping someone else’s away from them – the self-determination of another.

    Being inconvenienced is not the same as having your free will whittled away by an organization that does not acknowledge you as its equal, yet affects every single aspect of your life, including the path you take to work and how many people you have to prove your humanity to through checkpoints on the way there.

    And I know that to have grown up Jewish in this world has forced many to negotiate the concepts of safety and freedom in unique ways. Israel was supposed to be an invitation to freedom and self-determination for those of the Jewish faith and heritage. However, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This, what’s happening now is 70 percent of the world’s worst nightmare…just read their prophecies. In laymen’s terms, prophecy is referred to as any time someone shouted, “If you keep doing this _________ (something typically “bad” will happen)!” into the void. EVEN IF one can argue these were the intentions from the world that passively allowed the slaughter of Jewish people in the 40’s. Based on results, that invitation has become one of Colonialism, destruction, conquering empire, control of resources, and slave to the currency of the time.

    And frankly, aren’t we past that?

    I don’t give a shit about gold. I don’t think it is the most precious or valuable resource on this earth. Gold can’t do shit for you. When has gold made you laugh? When has gold wiped away the tears, cleaned your wounds, kissed your forehead, or made you soup when you were sick? Drawn a bath for you at the end of a long, dirty day? When? Tell me?

    The truth is, we GIVE value to gold every single day of our lives. We trade our own worth for material money at the end of everyday.

    Aren’t you tired of living that way?

    Fuck your oil. Fuck your gasoline. Fuck your malls. Fuck your holidays. Fuck your stories. Fuck your gods. If this is how you operate in the world. I don’t want ANY of it.

    Starting from neutral is what it means to take back your own life from ANY narrative that has been fed to you.

    We have only learned how to find value in something outside of ourselves.

    What exactly do you think the idea of sin was created for? If you are so deeply vile, for the simple fact of existing, why would this experience even be worth it? If that is what you are fed, is that what you become? We are what we eat. Holy shit.

    Imagine if the very fact of your existence was simply neutral.

    Imagine that statement to be the truest truth you’ve ever heard.

    Start there – humans aren’t born with meaning at all. We’re just born. Like every other animal. Yet, we’ve been given the most complex form of ability to interact with our environment and give meaning to it.

    We give meaning and value because that is what we do as humans. We are not more or less special than any animal, because if we didn’t have ALL of the natural world, from the smallest bacteria to the most complex organisms, we wouldn’t know what was possible. The only way to preserve that possibility is to preserve the world AS IT NATURALLY IS with all the variety we have. Death comes to us all. But we don’t HAVE to so blatantly cause it to one another.

    Conversations about nature vs nurture is complete and utter bollocks. Nature INCLUDES Nurture. Nature literally nurtures ITSELF – IT DOESN’T NEED YOU TO DO IT. To nurture is natural.

    Please stop killing each other. Definitely stop doing it for financial gain.

    Sacred Evil

    [please imagine the following as being read into a mirror]

    Life unlived to its potential,

    ungained in its community,

    unexpressed in its reality.

    I may not know who

    first gave meaning to color of skin

    but I certainly know what

    white people have done

    with an idea.

    What religion reinforced,

    what arrogance, and a willingness

    to squash life, not to mention hope,

    with fire, rope, knives and guns

    has done.

    If you do not feel undone

    by the shouts around you,

    by the cries for support

    for the simple act of acknowledgement

    Let me tell you, forgiveness does not

    belong to you.

    Reconciliation may NOT be yours,

    you have no permission to an opinion

    until you shut your damn mouth.

    You, who stay in comfortable ignorance

    who perpetuate in everyday whispers

    “You’re just nervous in this neighborhood”

    “You just feel unsafe when you’re not

    in the comfort of your own home.”

    “You’re only mentioning him on the ‘Next Door’ app

    because you haven’t seen him before.”

    “It’s not really racism unless you’re killing

    someone while saying, ‘You’re black

    and that’s why I’m killing you.’ And I would

    never do that, so.”

    Racism is evil in its sacred form,


    A part of ourselves we remain unwilling to open

    A part of ourselves we reserve for gods alone

    to judge

    because it couldn’t possibly be true

    unless god told me so.

    Not for the confrontation of a young person

    to impose a question where it wasn’t expected

    Sacred is something holy

    and as long as racism is holy in white minds,

    we remain unmoved

    as long as racism remains sacred,

    death has no sway

    no face will be enough

    no broken-hearted family members’ tears

    will convince you that this person was human:

    this man, woman, son, daughter, mother, father

    didn’t deserve to die.

    didn’t deserve that prison sentence.

    didn’t deserve to be sent back to their “own” country.

    didn’t deserve to have metal on wrists.

    didn’t deserve to have the concrete open their faces.

    didn’t deserve to have chemicals in 9 year old eyes.

    didn’t deserve to slowly bleed out in bed having woken up to gunshots.

    while sleeping. while sleeping.

    didn’t deserve to be shot for a phone in the pocket.

    didn’t deserve to be shot for running away.

    didn’t deserve to have a windpipe crushed.

    didn’t deserve to be hanged in a cell.

    didn’t deserve to be run over and dragged by a police car.

    didn’t deserve to have 9 men’s fists come down on your body.

    Perhaps the gods have hardened your heart.

    What if there are no gods?

    You will and have remained unmoved.

    It is no one’s responsibility, anymore,

    to hold your hand through the process

    of enlightenment

    It is on you to open your own mind,

    it is on you to read a fucking book

    and it will be on you, if more people die

    if more children are without parents

    if more parents bury their babies.

    because you choose to remain comfortable.

    The concrete onto which black bodies fall

    with which racism builds walls

    will one day turn to dust.

    Your willful, unforgivable ignorance

    is but a whisper in the determination

    of those whose sacred places are open

    you must bring your darkness to light to watch

    the power of what light in the pitch black

    can really do,

    because no part of yourself may remained untouched.

    Every inch of your ignorance must be overwhelmed

    every inch of your soul laid bare

    and those are only the inches you have eyes to see

    There exist canyons.

    Until you join this journey,

    your life will be lived

    in the prison of your mind

    that limits the potential

    of another at a glance

    The prison of your mind

    that decides what is possible for

    another in an encounter of chance

    A mind can be more free with a body in a

    barred cage than a free body

    inside an idea that is rigid and hallow

    daily creating new cages

    The sentence for the sacred evil of racism is you.







    The Stages of Grief.



    Blocked letters as though they represented

    stones across a gentle pond

    upon which I gracefully saunter over.



    Here’s what grief looks like in reality:

    ...[insert terrible life event]...
    Denial (shock)
    Denial (still fucking shocked)
    Depression (shock fades, tears begin)
    Depression (who are you and why do you know about my life?)
    Depression (more crying)
    What's the point of bargaining? Does anyone really do that? What a stupid block.
    Depression (yep, crying)
    Anger (Fine. If that's how its gonna be)
    Anger (I hate this reality)
    [funeral (or insert ritual to 'honor' the past)]
    Depression (tattoo #1)
    Depression (I'm still crying)
    Depression (god, yes. I'm still crying)
    Depression (it's fine that the rest of the world moved on. I'll remain broken in the corner)
    Depression (do you think its possible to lose weight from crying so much?)
    Anger (tattoo #2)
    Anger (leave me the fuck alone)
    Depression (fucking, yes. I'm still crying)
    Bargaining (Oh, I get it...I'm trying to bargain these god-awful feelings away. Oh)
    Anger (tattoo #3)
    Depression (do I look tired? wow, what happened to "hello"?)
    Bargaining (again)
    Depression (how is anyone surprised by these tears?)
    Acceptance (you're making such progress)
    Depression (one year later)
    Acceptance (wow, I made it a whole year)
    Depression (look, I don't know what to tell you. Yes, these tears are for the "same" reason)
    Bargaining (please, let this be the last time I melt down in public because of candy necklaces)
    Anger (reflecting on the way things "used to be")
    Anger (no longer being able to be normal)
    Anger (tattoo #4)
    Fun (those of you who understand, know what I mean)
    Depression (yeah...dude. Still crying)
    Denial (Did I really just watch the same shitty result happen in my life again because, I am, certifiably, broken)
    Acceptance (tattoo #5)
    ...[this list continues]...

    You sort of catch the drift, yes?

    if you come to me

    moving heaven and earth…
    well, okay. I – for sure – have never tried that hard.

    while I would love
    to feel known

    I acknowledge reality.

    the freedom
    I want
    can easily become
    the freedom
    I lose.

    I want to understand
    men, love,
    but in reality,
    I don’t believe
    anyone does.

    we all


    make it work.

    I do not think myself
    by any means

    and if I believe
    my experience to be
    my own form of normal
    I must acknowledge
    that some days
    also feel like

    “you’re special.
    just like everyone else.”
    was likely the
    most important
    phrase I could have heard
    at that time

    my own form of normal
    is wrapped in my own form
    of recovering fundamentalist

    it is my intense idea
    of integrity
    that prevents
    this moving forward

    hope mixed with truth
    that you never wanted me
    and while there’s no harm
    in a little flirtation
    allow me an honest response:

    if you choose
    to come to me
    wanting something

    it gets to be okay
    that I want something more
    and tell you no

    if you choose
    to come to me
    wanting something
    limited. restricted. once

    it gets to be okay
    that I do not fall in line
    in that docile

    and simply give you what you want

    if you choose
    to come to me
    while in a relationship
    considered “open”

    you had best believe
    and understand

    I do my homework.

    I notice everything.

    the way you interact
    and its inconsistencies
    seeking me – returning
    to the scene –
    apparently in control,
    never taking control

    and if you choose
    to come to me
    had better not
    in reality be

    openness is open: transparent.

    of bad behavior
    is fear of losing something
    and that is not open

    she is good.
    she works hard.
    she is also worth your time.
    worth your attention
    worth your love

    even when its routine

    like I would want
    another woman to say about me
    if I were partner,
    and not mistress

    I get karma
    and I know consequences.
    if I choose you
    in this context,
    even just once,

    I should expect
    the same to happen to me.

    if we like each other
    toward different goals,
    it’s okay
    for me to let you go

    I know what I want.
    I always have.

    if open relationship
    in reality means
    but prioritizing comfort

    if you simply seek
    to lock down the next thing
    before your grand exit,

    try again.

    I’ll not be here
    to pick up the pieces

    if you come to me
    it’s because
    you’re ready.
    not because
    you’re finished.

    hope is a thief

    Formulas are meant to create results.
    Dependable results.
    But hope is a thief.
    It steals life
    in moments
    in pictures
    and dreams
    In what if...
    what if...
    what if...
    what if...
    maybe one day
    Born into my zip code
    all I have are these two hands
    these two feet
    and should I lose them
    ...what hope?
    fear and formula 
    go hand in hand
    one motivates 
    the cultivation
    of the other
    it's just that
    once created,
    is not always a
    dependable result
    it is too dependable
    perhaps formulas
    do exactly
    what we create them
    to do, 
    just more fully
    than we imagined
    hope is sown
    in the soil
    of doubt
    and fear
    the result: formula
    or maybe, 
    that is wrong
    are they formulas
    planted in 
    hopeful soil
    which yield
    doubt and fear?
    when does hope pay off?
    maybe it is
    the mind of
    the girl
    from the village
    that plays
    that mind
    which says 
    life should be simple
    when simplicity
    in reality
    is impossible
    life should be complex
    life should be intricate,
    everything and nothing,
    chaotic order,
    ...now I am carried away...
    but what exists
    hope is painful
    hope is a lie
    given to poverty
    to make it work harder
    ease and comfort
    are given at birth
    to the zip code
    that prevents
    star-crossed love
    from finding a way
    and yet,
    enticing it all the more,
    hopes on different pages
    differing timelines
    different formulas
    hope, then, 
    is for you
    not me
    I can only work
    toward a dream
    that will become
    a new horizon
    once I meet it

    fundamentally me: part one

    Reflection #1: You can take the girl out of fundamentalism, but you can’t take fundamentalism out of the girl.

    My own experience in this life has been this summary: I grew up in rural Nebraska. My parents divorced when I was two years old, and my brother and I split our time between parents. This was absolutely normal to me and I loved it…call me a Gemini, but existing as the same person in two different worlds was truly a gift. Perhaps my deep sense of wonder and adventure comes from this moving around and packing a bag all the time. I only have one memory of my father actively talking about his disappointment in the relationship with my mom breaking up. I don’t remember the car we were in because I remember the back and side profile of my father’s head which meant some sort of back seat situation. One of those trucks with the teensy pull down “chair” behind the main seat.

    We were on the street behind what used to be the cafe where everyone went. It wasn’t on Main street. That’s Mom’s Cafe. It was the other one…”caddy-corner” – or in expensive terms – adjacent to the State Bank drive-thru. Where the old gas station/pharmacy/candy story across the street from Betty’s house. She was my babysitter. I don’t remember what it was called, but they had a menu item named after a family friend whom I was always suspicious of – called, “Big Al”. He was a stocky brutish man who was in construction and drove a skid-loader. My main memory of him is some drunken racist rant one 4th of July at my uncle Billy’s lake house. But I love my family. I feel proud of the memory of them trying to protect the guy he was yelling at by shooing Al away and calming him down and trying to comfort Al’s victim. I will always think of my family as protective. I always look back on that protective habit and feel comfort and safety. That’s also very tied to my identity.

    If you’ve never grown up in a small town, think of it like an office environment where you’ve been for 10 years. You know everyone. You say hello to everyone. You generally know about everyone and some basic piece of information, because you’ve been there forever and so have they. Life becomes monotonous with them and you begin to take stability for granted – just like everyone else. Relationships take a great deal of time to develop. And in a small town, there is ample amount of time. It’s like good character development in a TV show or book. There’s time to develop the nuance of reality. People with habits, complex backgrounds, yet hope. Knowing someone thoroughly is what seems to make them a ‘good’ person, I think – at least in our minds. That is what makes them feel like your neighbor, that you could perhaps depend on them in a pinch. I think that’s what I see in that memory of Al. Al must have a complicated background that my family knows about and instead of casting him aside or shunning him (like I would happily do if I saw him do that again), they tolerated this bad behavior and comforted the person who was verbally assaulted. In a small town, you can’t escape or avoid someone forever. There’s less anonymity. The only way to disappear, is to really just leave. Which I did.

    I knew I was in a small town when my father died. I was ten. It was 5th day of 5th grade. A Wednesday morning. The school secretary took me out of reading class. His death was sudden. The third heart attack, apparently massive is what they called it. My grandmother told me, “God wanted him to come home and be with him.” I know, that’s weird and unclear sentence. Not to mention bizarre and unfair of God..but I digress.

    Later that evening, I was walking into my house from collecting the mail or something. But, I remember the brunette lady two doors down, whom I’d never spoken to before. She said, “Are you Stephen Sharp’s daughter?” I shook my head ‘yes.’ She said, “I heard about your dad today. I’m sorry for your loss.” I was really confused about this. So – here’s my reaction: I smiled and said, “Thank you!” and went inside. I SMILED? And I said, “THANK YOU.”

    What the actual fuck?

    Isn’t it funny how memory and our brains work? The connections we make with “what fires together wires together”: neuronal pathways forever fused together through sight, smell, touch, emotion, taste and sound. I am grateful that my parents never spoke ill of each other, and I think I am lucky. My charming, hilarious, and awesome father knew my mother would have fuel to keep a fire burning as fidelity was never his strongest quality. And my shy yet fierce mother’s determination not to remain in a relationship that wasn’t good for her, and not to deprive us of a vastly important person in our lives.

    Basic notes: I had always grown up going to church. I was always wildly sensitive. I mean, seriously. This was no mere fall and scrape the knee and burst in to tears for a few seconds kind of sensitive. To give myself an ounce of credit, I was fearless at times. But mostly, I was a picky, neurotic, insecure, needy, whiny, terrified, and if I’m being harsh, an inconvenient kind of child. I screamed and cried the first day of school in second grade, which I think were the same classrooms I had later in 4th grade (so my memories melt together sometimes). Josh made absolute fun of me in the cafeteria later in the school year, and I mean…stood on the bench, pointed at me in front of everyone (keep in mind, its a small town…so that’s like 30 kids, but still) and announced how I cried the first day of school. But he was right and I was beside myself distraught to have to go to school again.

    There was a traumatic experience that I had of peeing my pants in first grade that made me feel like I was irrevocably the worst child ever. I had to ride the “bad kids” bus and I had to wear these gray cut off shorts that Betty had to bring to me and she was SO angry and inconvenienced that she had to bring them. I sat in the back of the group on the first grade carpet (the brightly colored ones that they have in first grade) waiting for the second bus to go to lunch hugging my legs to my chest, and rocking back and forth still faintly smelling urine on my legs. I think when 2nd grade started, I was terrified that something like this would happen again. From that moment forward, I had what everyone in my family referred to as a “bathroom problem”. I would become so terrified that I would pee my pants again and that everyone would hate and disown me, so we had to pull over all the time on road trips. I could never make it through standing in line for amusement park rides and missed them all. I had to leave an IMAX movie in Hastings and my father was so mad that he spent that money and missed the IMAX. To this day, standing in line for amusement rides, I feel that same sensation – it’s called anxiety. Ha! Who knew?! I understand it now, but it’s this faint reminder of the anxiety I was experiencing then with all the fears I had of not being able to rise above.

    I was a hard child. I was. Trust me. I could even keep going with more stories. My poor aunts and uncles that were tasked with watching over me. Goodness. I was truly afraid, I think, that everyone would disown or abandon me, and that fear made the experience so much worse.

    Enter my father’s funeral preparations. My brother, Adam, cousin Kacie and I sat with my Auntie MaryAnn. She bought these white balloons and explained this beautiful abstract idea of letting go and we released the balloons into the air (I know, but we didn’t know then). We stood on the corner of the wraparound porch at the funeral home – “caddy corner” to the Library, Police Station AND City Hall. Yep.

    The viewing.

    Why do we do this? I remember standing next to Kacie and touching my father. I don’t suggest it. It will make a proper existential crisis for anyone. I remember, specifically, this bouquet of all red roses with one white rose (or the inverse of that) and some story that someone was telling of my father. And I knew, in that moment, that I had no idea who my father was. No real clue. I daydream ALL the time of coming across people who randomly knew my dad – because it makes absolute sense that he would have met everyone in the world. I have been stopped most times I’ve been back home to hear someone say a fiercely kind and amazing word about my father. And I always wish it will happen every single day.

    The funeral.

    “I have to be strong for my family.” I didn’t shed a single tear at his funeral. Not a single ONE. I was kind, welcoming, and grateful to each person who showed up. I said hello to old friends. My soon-to-be stepdad was there with my soon-to-be stepbrother. I remember where they sat. I met my father’s first wife. Actually, I found out my father had a first wife because she was staring at me with these amazing and surprised big eyes. I found out much later that they divorced because my father had become infertile from Chemo/radiation treatments from having had cancer twice in his 20’s. So, she was staring at me because I, in a terrible form of wording it, was never actually supposed to exist…at least in her mind. We all found out later that it is possible for infertility from exposure to radiation to actually reverse itself. The body is an amazing thing. I meet a lot of people now who have children they were told would never be possible.

    I remember seeing the redness on the faces of all my family members. Their confusion that I wasn’t crying. I remember my uncle Tommy’s eulogy. “Stephen Sharp was a man…” was how a lot of the sentences began. Pastor Bob told everyone this thing that I told him to say, because I felt bad that I had annoyed my father so much in the days leading up to his death to teach me how to carve wood. He became so angry and exploded and my brother and I were so afraid of him, we ran away to a different room in the house. Part of me feels like I had contributed to his death. Unintentional blood pressure spike…heart attack. Pastor Bob told everyone that my dad was going to teach me how to carve wood. Such a random detail with so much to unpack behind it. Now, when I hear random details like that, I give them great credit for how much weight those little details likely bear. I also found out later that my father was told that too much scar tissue had developed in his heart and his final heart attack was inevitable. He began making phone calls in his last weeks, tying loose ends, saying some quizzical goodbyes, and even called my mom to say thank you for always letting him see us kids.

    I was so sensitive as a child. But my father’s death was a turning point. This is literally the reason for this whole post. I refused to shed a tear because I felt that I was ridiculed so much as a child and made the butt of so many jokes that I refused to let people delight somehow in the most fundamentally important loss of my life. I would not give anyone the satisfaction of my tears. No one would get to call me sensitive again. I was SO clear why I was doing it and so upset that people didn’t understand. I think my father played defender for me. And he was gone. I had no line of defense to protect me.

    So, I turned to church. The only times I cried from that point forward was in a church/God setting. I put my effort and anxiety into proving I was worthy of God’s love.

    Because I knew that, as a result of my father’s death, certain things were no longer an option, I threw myself into service of all kinds. At such a young age, I gave up on my life being my own, to determine through my own lens. It had become about service. Life lived for others, for the greater good, for a greater purpose. In some ways, I needed this. I needed a tether for remaining present. I needed a purpose or goal toward which I would aim.

    But what happened when I left it all behind? I got a job in a coffee shop and literally started serving other people. And I had to spend so many hours doing so for the sake of surviving in Los Angeles. This question of purpose still hangs over my head. I have officially run the course of working hard for a greater purpose. But it’s taken nearly an entire decade of my life post-religion to actually be okay with living a life directed by my own self, for my own goals and aims. Those which have nothing to do with other people.

    to be continued…




    undo…and my obsession with card games

    When I was young, like somewhere between 8 and 12, when I knew how to use a computer, I became obsessed with Tetris. I would go to my grandmother’s house and I would spend an inordinate amount of time playing Tetris after school…so innocent. And then, my grandmother downloaded something like 200 varieties of card games onto a blue floppy disk. That’s when things got interesting.

    I would say I’ve lived much of my life on the outside, looking in. Considering the moves I would make and thinking through as many details ahead of time such that I could make the best one with the least collateral damage available.

    Lately, I’ve been considering the footprint I have created in this lifetime. Typically in these reflections on this little blog, I remember all the times I felt shame or guilt as a child, young adult and even to adulthood. The times I hurt others because of my selfish actions. The times I intimidated or even caused fear in others because of my anger or intensely guarded emotional framework. The times I chose my own ego and turned someone else into the butt of teasing or jokes so that attention wouldn’t wind back toward me.

    Sitting for hours playing card games is an ancient past time. Being a Gemini, it’s always been important to me to have about three different things happening simultaneously in order to accomplish something, one small inch forward. That presents itself in daydreaming, having people who aren’t in my life anymore present questions to me and me – in my own little daydreams – answering those questions as honestly as I can. I would say, in my mind, I’ve had thousands of relationships that haven’t ever happened. But, I’ve also surprised myself with the answers to all those questions that have arisen.

    A long time ago, I wrote about this woman (in a vision I had) with dark hair and bright green eyes. Obviously, she’s my version of my best self…my truest self…except she can fly and is, generally speaking, way more capable of life. Anyways, I like to think that these daydreams, the questions that wind up being presented, are her way of guiding me into becoming her. My own best version of myself – including the eventual flying.

    The reason I became so obsessed with card games is that I could replay the same hand, try different things, and undo. The undo button is my favorite, and I cannot tell you how many times I wish, in this life, that I could undo things: words, actions, that I would have dived in to protect someone instead of laughing with others at their expense. That I would have been more brave, or let someone know in the beginning that awkwardness was my fault and there’s nothing they could have done differently. I was broken: an absolute swirling mess of emotions unsorted, un-categorized, and unpredictable.

    Its only dawned on me in these recent years that everyone is like this. Every. Single. Person. Is spinning out about things they wish they could undo. Times they lost patience, lost grip, lost a friend, lost a lover because of a word, or set of words, actions, or in-actions that created very real – potentially unintended – but real nonetheless, results.

    The truth is we get no opportunities to undo. Thus, my current argument is that regret is useless. The seeds I have already sowed are sowed. I know I will meet their result later in this or another life. What I can do, however, is accept the consequences and see them for what they are as I experience my present and future. No one deserves bad things, and at the same time, existing does not also mean one deserves good things. We just do not deserve. Period. Life is life. We walk, run, live, move, have our beings in these lives we lead.

    When I was in 8th or 9th grade, I was walking home from school one day and I had this thought that I didn’t have enough time in life to make every possible mistake and learn from it. Instead, I did the ‘holy’ thing and asked ‘god’ for wisdom. Pretty profound for freshman, hey?


    I didn’t want wisdom in the sense that I understand it now. What I was actually asking for was protection from pain. I thought wisdom was analyzing and calculating risk so that I would “wisely” make better choices and have less painful consequences.

    Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. I actually feel just as bad for all the inaction in my life, just as much as the actions that definitely caused pain.

    For the most part, chaos is part of reality. Life shouldn’t be about attempting to control chaos. It should be about remaining present to all the potential at any given moment. Understanding that each moment creates a set of choices. I can attempt to understand the consequences of any choice in any moment; but, control, order is an illusion.

    You cannot have one without the other. Yin/Yang. Hot/Cold. Masculine/Feminine. Order/Chaos – these are not finite dichotomies. These are fluid labels meant to give direction, not define potential. Chaos needs order, and order has no purpose without chaos.

    that’s all
